Hanaa F. Al-Wardi

Multimedia Studio Artist


Social and Political

My political and social  art have evolved and heavily influenced by the rapid development of the events in the middle east. Inspiring  Arab spring turned into violence , mayhem and massive exodus of the population to a safer place.  I was fully consumed and saddened by the events and the fluidity of the reports coming from Iraq and Syria.Very sad and angry during this period. I started writing poems. Gut- wrenching and emotional poems and merged them into a series of paintings to be exhibited as one.  

The Wall Exhibit, 2016
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"She prefer death in the sea", mixed media on canvas, 36''x18'', 2016

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"Protesting Woman" ,mixed media, 36"x18", 2016

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"Irhal" Leave. mixed media on canvas, 36"x18", 2016.

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" They killed my son". Mixed media on canvas, 36"x18",2016 

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"We are not free". Mixed media on canvas, 36"x18", 2016.

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"Migration" . Mixed media on canvas, 36'x18", 2016.

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"Leaving Home". Mixed media, 36''x12", 2016

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"Desperate Journey". Acrylic on canvas, 36"x30",2016

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"Thousands of Orange Life Jackets Marks their Exodus", Acrylic on canvas, 36"x30', 2016

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"No future". Mixed Media

    36"x12", 2016

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"Where is Justice?". Mixed media, 36"x18", 2016.

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"The Wall Exhibit". Series of nine panels, Mixed media on canvas.

36"x 150", 2016

Exposed, 1996
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"Reaction"  Mixed media, 36"x48". In progress. Living art.


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"Destiney" Mixed media, 36'x48". In progress. Living art.

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"Desmantling", Mixed media, 36"x48". In progress. Living art.

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"Acid Rain" Mixed media, 36''x48". In progress. Living art.

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"Contamination" Mixed media, 12'x48". In progress. Living art.

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"Home" Mixed media, 12"x48'x. In progress. Living art.

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 "Oil spills and Greed". Mixed media, 36"x24". In progress. Living art.

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"Embargo" Mixed media, 12"x48". In progress. Living art.

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"Nuclear Winter" Mixed media, 24"x48". In progress. Living art.

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